Seller's Agent

The seller’s agent represents the seller only, so the buyer may be either unrepresented or represented by another agent. The seller’s agent is responsible for performing the following duties:
The seller’s agent has no duty to:

Seller's Designated Agent

The designated agent is a seller’s agent who has been designated by the broker to represent the seller to the exclusion of all other licensees affiliated with the firm. The designated agent performs all the duties of a seller’s agent, while the other agents in the firm perform the duties of a transaction broker, unless they have a buyer agency agreement.

Transaction Broker

The transaction broker is not an agent for either party, so the transaction broker does not advocate the interests of either party. The transaction broker is responsible for performing the following duties: The transaction broker has no duty to:

To The Customer:

Statement of Representation -- Do not assume that an agent is acting on your behalf, unless you have signed a contract with the agent’s firm to represent you.

As a customer, you represent yourself. Any information that you, the customer, disclose to the agent representing another party will be disclosed to that other party.

Even though licensees may be representing other parties, they are obligated to treat you honestly, give you accurate information, and disclose all known adverse material facts.

Plaza Real Estate, Inc. Policy -- This firm authorizes its agent to act as a:

Unless agreed differently in the listing agreement, the following is Plaza Real Estate, Inc.’s policy on offering cooperation and compensation to other agents. Offer cooperation and compensation to: The information above is provided to give an understanding of our firms policy. It is not a contract.
Plaza Real Estate, Inc.
© Copyright 2004 by Frank & Laurie Priest